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PenGuin: i=
HK SELASA 2D=> RET ((( 0 ))) BB, TELUR BEBEK.... hi hi hi....
id Indonesia
Moz/5.0 (Windows N...
HK SELASA AI. 123 2D=> 53 17 41 38 33 30 43 10 01 36 83 15 39 20 26 27 25 82 28 24 UPS ....
nl Netherlands
Moz/5.0 (Windows N...
HK RABU, 2D=> 56 57 37 90 BB UPS....
nl Netherlands
Moz/5.0 (Windows N...
HK SELOSO 2D X1 + 13 15 16 72 74 78 80 84 94 97 UPS.
id Indonesia
Op/9.80 (Android; O...
HK SELASA AI 1678 2D 1x x1 No Twin TTP UPS..
sg Singapore
Op/9.80 (BlackBerry...
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