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PenGuin: i=
SGP MINGGU AI:138 CB:1/8 TOP 2D: 33 36 38 39 83 86 88 89 13 16 18 19 03 06 08 09 98 80 68 81 ups..
id Indonesia
Moz/5.0 (Windows N...
HK SABTU 01-10-2011 AI: 025 CB: 0/2 TOP 2D: 00 22 55 10 12 15 20 23 24 25 50 52 53 54 ups.. ~ANTI MAHAR~
id Indonesia
Moz/5.0 (Windows N...
Pm admin
HK SELASA 27-09-2011 AI: 358 CB: 3/8 TOP 2D: 31 81 34 53 84 48 51 54 39 89 BB UPS.. FULL GRATIS..FULL TACK..
id Indonesia
Moz/5.0 (Windows N...
HK MINGGU TOP=>> AI/CB/CJK= 78. TOP 2D= 70 79 71 80 89 81. Thanks and ttp ups aja kawan!!!
id Indonesia
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