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PenGuin: .coffee.
SG RABU test starter 2d final... super: 93 81 top: 39 18 69 78 87 96 09 90 99 cdg: 48 84 03 30 33 36 63. ai.983. invest jalur:3. tetap UPS kawanku
id Indonesia
Moz/5.0 (Windows N...
2d : 06 07 08 26 27 28 16 17 18 bb minggu_hk
id Indonesia
Moz/5.0 (Windows N...
jumat_hk top 93 92 94 29 39 49 20 02 21 12 ups my home http://gbs.realwap.net/guest.php?id=136
id Indonesia
Moz/5.0 (Windows N...
HK SENIN (26/03/2012) : AS-KOP: 17/08 AI/CT:023 N-G-A-W-U-R 2D: 1234 VS 1098 non beibeh {Asli ra.One... |Salam hormat buat para master...}
id Indonesia
Moz/5.0 (Windows N...
HK KAMIS (22/03/2012) : AS-KOP: 17/58 AI/CT:025 N-G-A-W-U-R 2D: 07 20 27 60 67 80 87 08 47 48 40 97 98 90 {Asli ra.One... |Salam hormat buat para master...}
id Indonesia
Moz/5.0 (Windows N...
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